Thursday, 24 September 2015

Now and then

So it appears I am back here again.

Why? Because my path brought me back here - in some ways I never left. I would always use this place as I originally intended to - to store those things I find useful along the way in one place - to use as a reference, I would look at the posts and ponder.

I may even put here some of the things I found on my most recent trek between leaving here and my return.

What I was then and what I am now is somewhat similar - yet different.
I used to type under Alt.Delete - if that matters.
Alceste Rank is my new pen name - but a names and titles are just shortcuts. References to things and ideas to save the time of talking about them in more detail - so don't fixate on that unless it is your path to do so.

I hope I write better now - but that may not be true. It is of little interest to me. I am here to write because I need to write to help me think about things - to articulate them in my own mind. If another finds that articulation useful then I am glad to be of use, but it is of no matter to me to be of use to you - you should work out how to be of use to yourself.

I write here and try not to advertise it because I need to write - if people need or want to see what is here then I need not show them. Let them do it themselves then they will be happier for it as they would have learnt how to act on their own.

If you do find the things here useful I hope you do so on your own terms - thinking about these ideas and coming to them or not for you in your way. Don't think of things here as true or authoritative because they may claim to be so - test it for yourself, please.

Also unless where otherwise specified I will be speaking personally - with all the benefits and drawbacks thereof, so my ability to express myself will be limited to my skills in communication and even then I will be pointing at ideas in the form that I related to them at the time, from my personal point of view, so be aware.

In more practical terms - I think this place may see some changes upcoming. Hopefully not too distracting in the process - again the presentation is of little value, but shouldn't detract from the reason I am here and why you may be here; hopefully it will come to enhance it.

Now I best be off, lest I get too self-indulgent.

Silence. Bow. Begin.

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